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duminică, 12 decembrie 2010

Phytotherapeutical treatment of low immunity with marigold

The low immunity of some people during this period of the year, between winter and spring, is the cause of certain acute and chronic diseases. We come after a long and harsh winter, when our physiologic reserves are finished and the potential of self-defense of our body has significantly been reduced and we can not cope with the infections by different pathological agents (germs, viruses, fungi, etc.), which attack our body and cause a series of acute diseases (flue, pneumonia, etc.). In this period of the year we assist at relapses in case of patients with chronic diseases (rheumatism, cardio-vascular diseases, pulmonary diseases, etc.).
An efficient and necessary way consists in the stimulation of the immunity, in the increase of the fight capacity against different pathogenic agents. Starting from the premise that it is much easier to prevent than to cure, I recommend you to use phytotherapeutic products obtained from marigolds (Calendula officinalis), like: marigold tea and marigold extract, preferably bio. A simple therapeutic scheme to use these products consists of drinking 3 cups of marigold tea per day to which you add 10 drops of marigold extract. The products based on marigold can be used together with other phytotherapeutic products, which were mentioned at low immunity.
We recommend a diet rich in vegetables (onion, garlic, horse radish, carrot, celery, parsley, parsnip, lentil, beans, dried peas, etc.) and fruits (apples, citric fruits, bananas, etc.), fermented dairy products (yoghurt, sana, kefir), whole-wheat cereals, oil seed (nuts, hazels, almonds, etc.) and poor in animal fats.  

The role of Complementary and Alternative Medicine(C.A.M.)

Complementary medicine, which is called by some people alternative, naturist, holistic, integrative, etc. has its origins in the ethnoiatry (folk medicine) of different people. American people gave the name of complementary and alternative medicine - C.A.M., which was accepted in Europe too in the last years. The traditional methods have been living in the last decades a real revival, being acknowledged by the World Organization of Health. These methods complete the modern therapeutic arsenal with new valences and possibilities, which next to the allopathic medicine, based on synthesis medicines, supplement medicine nowadays.

The complementary methods “passed the harsh test of time” as the well-known physicist and publicist Arcadie Percek used to say. Many of the complementary methods have a multi-millenary existence and here we mention: ayurveda, the old Indian medicine, which has over 5000 years of existence or acupuncture, which has its origins in China, over 3500 years old, or phytotherapy and apitherapy, which are connected to the beginnings of the human existence on Earth. In the 3rd millennium we assist at the re-evaluation of the traditional therapeutic methods, which have adapted to the scientific requests of nowadays and were accepted by the medical world.

Which are the most known naturist methods?

The most known naturist methods are:

- phytotherapy

- aromatherapy

- apitherapy

- homeopathy

- dietotherapy

- acupuncture

- ayurveda

- balneotherapy

- manual therapy

- heliotherapy

- melotherapy

- psychotherapy

- etc.
Do the naturist methods represent a fashion in the present therapy? My answer to this question is a firm NO, which I will try to argue. According to an evaluation of OMS, the most used therapeutic method in the world is the Chinese traditional medicine, as there are about 1 billiard and a half of Chinese people. On the second place we find homeopathy, on the third phytotherapy, and only on the forth place we find allopathy. Nobody contests the role of the synthetic medicines in treating incurable diseases, till their apparition in therapeutics, about 150 years ago; this means a very short time in the evolution of the human species. But synthetic medicines have also negative aspects, like:

- they often cause adverse reactions (only in the USA about 100,000 people die yealy because of the adverse reactions of synthetic medicines)

- they are specially for treating certain diseases, less for their prevention (prophylaxis)

- they are expensive, and press the budgets for health, and thus become less accessible in poor countries or in countries in development

- have limits in a series of diseases hardly curable (cancer, AIDS, malaria)

Which is the advantage of complementary methods in opposition to allopathy?

- they have an important role in the prevention of different diseases, so they have a remarkable prophylactic effect

- they do not cause or cause very often adverse reactions

- they can be administrated to a special category of patients (nurslings, pregnant women, nursing mothers, old people), where the synthetic medicines are prohibited

- they are cheaper that synthetic medicines, being thus more accessible to patients

- they can be administrated for a longer period of time to patients with: hypertension, diabetics, rheumatism, etc., without causing dependency; this is extremely important in a world which gets older and older

The Center of Complementary and Alternative Medicine wants to sustain patients in choosing the perfect treatment, without secondary effects and at acceptable costs.

 Dr. Rosenberg Ladislau


sâmbătă, 11 decembrie 2010

About my alternative therapeutic model for the prevention and treatment of different diseases.

This is an original therapeutic model,  based on the 30 years of experience, which I have dedicated to study, research and practice in the field of different methods of complementary medicine. I mostly approached fields of great importance like: phytotherapy, aromatherapy, apitherapy, homeopathy and dietotherapy, which allowed me to develop a model of personal natural therapy and a specific view on health and illness.
Key elements of this therapeutic model are:

1. Prevention (prophylaxis) of illnesses.

2. Use of natural means to prevent and treat different diseases.

3. Use of ecological products (herbs and aromatic plants, bee products, vegetables and fruits, spices) for cure.

4. The synergy of potentiation of the different complementary and alternative methods used to prevent and treat different diseases.

5. Use of the traditions of popular medicine (ethnoiatry) in the actual therapeutics.

6. Obtaining therapeutic products of very good quality by the use of some valuable local raw materials and modern production and control methods.

7. Avoiding the so-called “therapeutic vegetarianism”, which does not exclude the use of allopathic medicines  in urgent situations. 

8. Tackling health and disease through a holistic view, which sees the human body as an integer by a metastable balance in which the micro-universe specific to the living creature is being integrated in the macro-universe.

9. The change of the life style to prevent and treat different illnesses.

10. The concept of wellness to keep the human body healthy.
Key words of my therapeutic model are:

natural - ecological - traditional - preventive - synergic - holistic - wellness

model allow persons, who want to prevent diseases or their treatment, if they already exist, through the change of their life style, the development of a healthy concept to live in a world, in which the diseases of civilization (cardio-vascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, cancer, aso) as well as the vices ( smoking, alcohol, drugs), produce millions of victims. 


Phytotherapy means the use of herbs and the products obtained from them for prevention and treatment of different diseases. The use of herbs in curing diseases is an ancestral method, related to the beginnings of the existence of the human species on Earth, when the primitive man observed the animals, which were choosing different plants for alleviation of certain sufferings. Herbs were used by the old Indians, Chinese people, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Jews, Arabs, etc. and represented for thousands of years the therapeutic basis for obtaining medicines. Nowadays about 1/3 of the allopathic medicines are derived from herbs, but they are obtained by synthesis or biosynthesis, in order to technologically and economically optimize the excerpt of active principles. The most-known herbs are: arnica, chamomile, milfoil, tutsan, celandine, hawthorn, blueberry, black berry, artichoke, thistle, valerian, marigold, balm, hyssop, liquorice, nettle, brier, dandelion, plantain, burdock, willow, oak, salvia, dock, bramble, Chinese green tea and many other indigenous and exotic plants.  
Plants can be harvested from the spontaneous flora in geographical areas, which are ecologically well protected and where it is being cared for in order to avoid the extinction of certain species. The spontaneous flora of Romania is extremely rich in species and there are many pure ecologic areas, from where herbs with good effects for the prevention and cure of certain diseases can be harvested in good conditions.
In order to prevent the extinction of certain herbs of the spontaneous flora, they are cultivated on vast areas and under well-controlled agro technical conditions. The most valuable plants used for therapeutic purposes are those ecologically cultivated, without the use of pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers. These chemical substances are not to be found in good phytotherapeutic products, which are for the use of little children, old people or chronic patients.
Out of herbs harvested from the spontaneous flora or cultivated, naturally or artificially dried we can obtain different pharmaceutical forms for the inner or outer use, such as: simple or composed teas, tinctures, extracts (fluid, soft or dried), aromatic water, syrups, powder, tablets, capsules, ointments, creams, gels, etc. Thus, the active principles of herbs are integrated in bio-disposable pharmaceutical forms, of great therapeutic efficiency and which confer them physical-chemical and micro-biological stability.
Herbs have different therapeutic effects, such as: anti-microbial, antimycotic, anti-inflammatory, antiemetic, choleretic, cholagogue, hepatic-protective, diuretic, sedative, laxative, cicatrizating, emollient, fortified, etc., which cover a large range of diseases and symptoms.
The phytotherapeutic products, which are obtained from herbs can be successfully used in a series of diseases as: diseases of the cardio-vascular system (arterial hypertension, ischemic cardiopathy), diseases of the gastric-intestinal system (gastric and duodenal ulcer, colitis, enteritis, diarrhea of different etiologies), hepatic-bilious diseases) hepatitis, hepatic insufficiency, cholecystitis), diseases of the urinary system, diseases of the locomotive system, metabolic diseases (obesity, diabetes), diseases of the skin and the superficial body growth (eczemas, dermatitis, acne, hyper-seborrhea, difficulty curable wounds, varicosed ulcer, alopecia, mycosis), diseases of the genital system (candida infections, vaginitis, erosion of the cervix, etc.)